These would otherwise not be possible to do using the in-game settings. The switches -nointro, -noprefetch and -noshadows used above have been added to disable the introductory logo screens, prevent prefetching of data and also disable all non-Sun shadows in the game engine. Shadow of Chernobyl\bin\XR_3DA.exe' -nointro -noprefetch -noshadows Then in the Target box, one space after the last character, insert the switch(es) you wish to use, each separated by one blank space. To use a command line switch, go to your STALKER launch icon, right-click on it and select Properties. These 'switches' are commands which are passed on to the game's main executable file XR_3DA.exe, telling the engine to do certain things as the game launches. There are a range of additional commands you can execute when first launching STALKER called Command Line Switches. STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl Tweak Guide Advanced Tweaking (Pt.3)