Rowling, including Chappelle aligning himself with her by declaring himself “Team TERF”, (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists) further cements these comments as the transphobic equivalent to reheated leftovers. Riding the coattails of prior comments from other celebrities like J.K. They're just the same transphobic comments masquerading as thoughtful revelations that have been spread en masse online for years now. Unfortunately, his comments about the genitalia of trans women or how “gender is a fact” aren’t groundbreaking observations. Chappelle is trying to use his latest diatribe about trans people to stir up discourse and present himself as some provocative speaker of truth.
And I'm especially tired of being told he's being an 'edgy' and 'transgressive' comedian for regurgitating the kind of shallow gags I’ve heard from cis-het dudes my entire life. I'm so tired of Dave Chappelle’s transphobic comments in his new comedy special The Closer.